Rent-to-Own Rentals

Rent-to-Own Apartments

Rent-to-Own Condos

Rent-to-Own Houses

Find all kinds of rent to own rental listings on today, including apartments, condos, houses, townhouses and much more.

For most of us, the purchase of a home is the single largest investment we will ever make. However, there are many of us who do not currently have the ability to purchase a home because of closing costs, the down payment or just don't have the credit score to get a mortgage. If you fall into this category, there is still hope. A rent-to-own property allows you to rent a home while partially pay for it at the same time.

This option allows renters to build income as well as increase their credit score while simultaneously living in the rental property. Some rent-to-purchase contracts allow the buyer the ability to walk away if they find something wrong with the house. This is a huge advantage for most potential buyers as it allows them to sort of test-drive the home before buying (only if the contract allows). Typically, when a buyer does walk away from the home in such a circumstance, they usually lose their option fee and any rent credit they have built up. However, when compared to the alternative of buying the house outright and leaving it at a later date, the cost is considerably less.

Renting a home with an option to buy is a great alternative. Renters wanting to eventually own their own home should consider "rent to own" homes (also referred to as "lease to own", "lease to purchase", "rent to purchase", or "rent to buy").

A rent to own home applies a portion of your monthly rent towards a reduction in the final purchase price of the home. Therefore, every time you make a monthly payment, you are really building equity!

A rent to own allows you to put your rent money to work. Many rent to own home listings offer generous monthly rent credits (up to 50% and sometimes more) that will reduce your purchase price. The smart choice is renting to own!

If real estate values are increasing, buyers can lock in a purchase price at today's value and receive instant equity at the time the home becomes theirs in a later date.

Find rent to own listings by selecting your state above. Only those rental listings that have been marked as "rent to own" by their landlord will be displayed. Landlords can download our free rent to own contract.

Few homeowners/landlords realize the abundant number of advantages of the rent to own listing. This type of renting is a win for FSBO home sellers with a great house, a home needing repairs, a home with not much equity, or homes in a "buyer's market". Making your home available as a "rent to own" will greatly increase the demand from potential tenants.

Some of the benefits of renting your home as a rent-to-own are pretty much the opposite as the benefits of a renter. For example, if real estate is decreasing, homeowners can receive a higher selling price by locking in at the start of the lease. Tenants who are renting to own your home will almost always treat the property better than renters because at some point in time, the property becomes theirs.

If the future homeowners default or back out of the rent to own agreement, you still receive the initial rent to own option fee, monthly rental income received and the rent premiums during the time frame they lived in the home.

The downside to a rent to purchase contract is that the time to receive payment is extended over a longer period of time rather than selling immediately as is typical in a traditional home sale.

Another huge benefit is that homeowners nearing foreclosure can instead use the rent they receive from the future homeowners as a means to pay their existing mortgage.

Listing a home as a "rent to own" has both benefits as well as a few negative factors that need to be weighed. What makes or breaks a successful rent to purchase agreement is the tenants involved in the contract. As long as the tenants can make the payments on the home as agreed to in the contract, very few downsides can occur.

To list your home as a rent to own ad on, select the "Rent-to-Own" option when listing your rental on